User Agreement

  • 1. General Provisions
    This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) describes the rules and conditions on the basis of which the services of the service are provided and is an official written agreement for individuals (hereinafter referred to as a public offer addressed to the User) to conclude an Agreement on the provision of services by the service on the basis of the below conditions. Before using the services of the service, the User is obliged to fully familiarize himself with the terms of the "Terms of Use". The use of the services of the service is possible only if the User accepts all the terms of the Agreement. The current version of the Agreement is located for public access on the website of the service (
  • 2. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement
    The service is a trademark and commercial designation of a system for providing Internet services for buying and selling electronic currencies.
    Website of the Service –
    User - any individual who wishes to use the services of the service and who has accepted the Agreement in accordance with its terms.
    Payment system - a software product created by a third party, which is a mechanism for accounting for monetary and / or other obligations, paying for goods and services on the Internet, as well as organizing mutual settlements between its users.
    Electronic currency is a monetary and / or other obligation between the developer of this currency and its user, expressed digitally.
    Payment/operation - transfer of electronic and/or other currency from the payer to the recipient.
    Payment system client - a person who has entered into an agreement with the relevant payment system for the acquisition of property rights of claim to it, measured in conventional units adopted in the relevant payment system.
    Application - an expression of the User's intention to use one of the services offered by the Service by filling out an electronic form through the Service's website, on the terms described in the Agreement and specified in the parameters of this Application.
    Source currency - an electronic currency that the User wants to sell or exchange.
    Source Account - wallet number or any other designation of the User's account in the Payment System from which the Source Currency was sent.
    Resulting Currency - an electronic currency that the User receives as a result of the sale or exchange of the Source Currency.
    Resulting Account – wallet number or any other designation of the User's account in the Payment System, to which the Resulting Currency will be sent.
    Currency reserve - available to the Service, at the time of the creation of the Application, the amount of a certain Electronic currency.
    Currency exchange - exchange of the electronic currency of one payment system for the electronic currency of another payment system.
    Rate — the cost ratio of two electronic currencies during their exchange.
    A hacker is a qualified computer hacker, an attacker who specializes in finding and using unauthorized access to computer networks or other computerized equipment in order to illegally obtain information, gain profit, or cause damage.
  • 3. Subject of the Agreement
    The subject of this Agreement is the provision of services to the User by the Service for the purchase and sale of electronic currencies.
  • 4. Procedure for the provision of services by the Service
    Ordering the services of the Service is carried out by the User by sending an Application through the Internet site of the Service.

    The management of the transaction process or obtaining information about the progress of the transaction by the User is carried out using the appropriate user interface located on the website of the Service.

    The service executes Orders on an irrevocable basis in accordance with the terms and conditions of the respective payment systems.

    The Service is not a party to the agreement between the Payment System and the Payment System Client and in no case is responsible for the actions of the Payment System and its Client. The rights and obligations of the payment system and its Client are governed by the terms of service of the respective Payment systems.

    The Service does not require certification that the sender and recipient of the funds involved in the Operation are the same person, the Service is not a party in the relationship between the sender and recipient of funds or electronic currency.

    By using the services of the Service, the User confirms that he legally owns and disposes of the funds and electronic currency involved in the relevant Payment.

    The User undertakes to independently calculate and pay all taxes required under the tax laws of the User's location.

    Taking care of the quality of the services provided to the Users, the Service undertakes to perform all actions within the framework of this Agreement as quickly as possible.

    If for some reason you want to cancel the transaction after payment, then this is not possible, and the funds that you paid for the Service will not be returned to the sender due to suspicion of fraud, as well as possible complicity in sponsoring terrorism.

    This paragraph of the rules does not apply to transactions that have not passed AML verification.
  • 5. Cost of services
    The cost of the Service's services is set by the Service's management and published on the Service's website.

    The Service has the right to independently change the exchange rates of electronic currencies and the fees charged at any time unilaterally, of which it is not obliged to notify the Users of the Service by preliminary posting information about these changes on the website of the Service.
    The Application created by the User on the website of the service indicates the Rate, the amount of the commission charged by the relevant Payment system for the Operation, the amount of the remuneration of the Service, as well as the total amount of transferred funds or electronic currency.

    The service collects the value of its fee at the time of the relevant Transaction. The Service Fee is deducted from the amount of the Resulting Currency.
  • 6. Electronic currency exchange
    By filling out the Application, the User instructs, and the Service, on its own behalf and at the expense of the User, performs actions to exchange the Electronic Currency of one Payment System (Source Currency) for the Electronic Currency of another Payment System (Resulting Currency) selected by the User.

    The User undertakes to transfer (transfer) the Source Currency in the amount specified in the Application, and the Service, after receiving the relevant Electronic Currency, undertakes to transfer (transfer) to the User the Resulting Currency calculated at the Rate and in accordance with the service tariffs. In the event that the User transferred the amount of the Source Currency in an inappropriate amount specified in the Application, the Service has the right to cancel the transaction unilaterally, and not to pay the User the Resulting Currency.

    The Service is not responsible for the User's transactions on the Site, and the Service has the right to terminate all relations with the User unilaterally.

    When exchanging cryptocurrency for cryptocurrency, allocates from 10 minutes to 24 hours, depending on the direction of the exchange. The rate in these areas is not fixed and may vary depending on the exchange rate. Based on the Binance exchange rate. If the coins have been sent, the Service has the right to unilaterally cancel the Transaction and not pay the User either the Source Currency or the Resulting Currency.

    The Service has the right to permanently suspend the operation and withhold the User's funds in order to prevent fraudulent and other actions that may cause financial and reputational losses for the Service or the User until the circumstances are clarified.
  • 7. Entry into force of the Agreement
    The User Agreement is considered concluded on the terms of a public offer accepted by the User during the submission of the Application.

    Acceptance of a public offer is the User's actions to complete the formation of the Application, confirming his intention to use the services of the Service on the terms described in this Agreement and specified in the Application.

    The date and time of acceptance, as well as the parameters of the conditions of the Application are fixed by the Service automatically at the moment the formation of the application is completed.

    The Agreement shall enter into force upon completion of the formation of the Application by the User. The User has the right to refuse to perform an operation on the Application before payment for the Operation. The service has the right to refuse the transaction unilaterally.
  • 8. Responsibility of the Parties
    The service is not liable to the User.

    The Service is not responsible for malfunctions, errors and failures in the operation of software and / or hardware that ensure the functioning of the Service, arising from reasons beyond or dependent on the Service, as well as the User’s losses associated with this .

    The service provides services only to inform the User about the existence of cryptocoins placed on the Service, and also provides the ability to calculate these coins on the site in order to study the current course of these cryptocoins. in no way accepts payments from Users to their wallets/accounts, and also prohibits the exchange for wallets/accounts that do not belong to the user.

    The service is not responsible for the User's losses incurred as a result of the Transaction.

    The User bears full responsibility for the accuracy of the information specified by him when filling out the Application. If the User did not specify or incorrectly specified the data, the Service is not responsible for the User's losses incurred as a result of the error.

    The Parties are released from liability for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under the Agreement, if such was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the entry into force of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events that could not be foreseen and prevented by reasonable measures.

    In other cases of non-performance or improper performance of their obligations under the Agreement, the Parties shall not be liable in any jurisdiction.
  • 9. AML policy
    This policy is aimed at identifying transactions related to the financing of terrorism, money laundering, and other illegal activities. To determine such transactions, the exchange service uses the security department. If the AML risk of the transaction, according to the security service, is high, the service reserves the right to:

    ● Suspend the transaction;

    ● Ask the user for a photo or video with a document, confirming the identity of the user (Selfie);

    ● Request a Screenshot from the user's withdrawal wallet cryptocurrencies;

    ● Block the account and any operations related to by the user, transfer it to the controlling financial activities and / or law enforcement agencies at the place of registration of the Service;

    ● Hold the user's funds until the incident is fully investigated, as well as block the funds permanently;

    ● Hold user funds until the incident is fully investigated

    ● Ask the user for other materials and documents related to the exchange.

    If the user does not provide the requested information and does not respond to service requests within 2 calendar days, the withheld funds will not be returned.