Frequently asked Questions

If you did not find the answer to your question, you can contact our technical support online.

User Question:
What is EdigiWallet?
A new crypto-exchange with support for the KMSK security certificate, a protocol that allows us to encode absolutely all the data of our users using triple-end-to-end encryption. This technology will be able to protect you from all possible vulnerabilities of blockchain technology. At the moment, we have opened beta testing, which uses partial functionality of the platform, the estimated launch date of the exchange is April 11, 2023.
User Question:
I don't always have access to a computer. Does your service have a mobile version?
Yes, our service has a mobile version. You can take full advantage of our services even from your mobile phone.
User Question:
What feedback channels do you have?
You can contact our technical support on the site, you need to click on the "Online Support" button and you will be redirected to our official Telegram account. Our managers respond within 10 minutes, however, if we have a large number of users online, there may be slight delays. We apologize in advance and hope for your understanding.

You can also contact us through the site, on the page and our managers will answer you an official letter to your specified e-mail in the application form within 24 hours.
User Question:
What is the processing time for applications by your service?
Usually, the execution of applications takes up to 15 minutes from the moment of payment. There may be some minor delays on weekends, national holidays, and after hours because we are currently in open beta testing, so we are not perfect yet. We apologize in advance and hope for your understanding.
User Question:
What should I do if I encounter difficulties or errors during the exchange process?
In the event of problems with the operation of our platform, please check that you are following the instructions we have provided. If this did not help solve the problem, you need to contact the support on the website or in Telegram. You can read how to contact our support service in the section “What feedback channels do you have?”.
User Question:
What happens if I mistakenly send an amount that is more / less than the amount specified in the application?
In this case, the amount payable will be recalculated in accordance with the amount sent by the client. The recalculation will be performed at the exchange raate fixed at the time of the creation of the application.
User Question:
How can the results of the AML check affect the exchange?
According to the rules of the service, we are obliged to stop any fraudulent, as well as illegal actions using the services of the service. If the verification results show a risk greater than 80%, your application may be temporarily suspended until additional verification is completed. Therefore, we ask our users to be careful, check their wallets and funds.
User Question:
Why did my application get canceled status?
Your application automatically receives this status if the payment was not made within 30 minutes after creation;

If you paid for the application, but it still turned into a deleted status, then your transaction did not have time to receive confirmation from the network within 30 minutes after creation. In this case, the problem is that you have set a low network commission. It is worth contacting the operator in order to avoid problems with further processing of the application. You can read how to contact our support service in the section “What feedback channels do you have?”.
User Question:
Made a payment for the application, but the application still has the status "Accepted, awaiting payment by the client". What to do?
If you are sure that you have paid for the application, it will definitely be executed. But if you do not receive payment on the application for a long time, it makes sense to write to the service support, after which the payment will be checked manually, and the application will be processed as soon as possible. You can read how to contact our support service in the section “What feedback channels do you have?”.
User Question:
What should I do if I entered incorrect details?
If you notice an error in the details, be sure to contact our support. An email will be sent to the email address provided when the application was created with a description of the next steps. After fulfilling all the requirements, the details will be updated, respectively, the payment will be made to the current account.
If at the time of payment our technical support notices an error in your data, we will contact you in the Telegram that you indicated at the time of the application and then we will report the error. Therefore, it is important to provide up-to-date data when filling out the application.
User Question:
Is it necessary to write correct data to use the EdigiWallet?
Yes, you must correctly fill in the fields for buying / selling cryptocurrency so that we can contact you and notify you about the status of the transaction. Also, in case of verification, it is important that your data does not differ from the first transaction. If you fill in incorrect data, then it may be difficult to process your application. Thanks for understanding.